Bill then had to take over for our youth pastors on Sunday and he did such a great job, especially for last minute. Every time he talks I realize how much God has gifted him in youth ministry! He related the process of Hebrew school and why it was so important that the apostles who were fishermen dropped their nets to follow Jesus- to the process of American Idol- the students totally got it!
I had an exam on Friday and then if we hadn't had enough going on we went on the Youth Ski Retreat. Bill was in charge of the Rules Video for this and he worked so hard on it!!
There were a lot of faces I've never seen before and it was a great time! I really was able to hang out with some of the girls and get to know them even more. I have really clicked with one of the girls that is a senior in high school. I see so much of myself in her and we have a lot in common. It's been rough getting the students to open up to us, but they finally are starting to. We had a blast snowtubing and many of the students skied and snowboarded. Pete, Drew's brother, came to speak to the students about having an experience with God and what we do with that experience. I think many of the students had an experience.
Fffeeww! We've definitely had a crazy 10 days, but it's always worth it to experience God and support the youth group!